Selecting the Right Structured Cabling Contractor for Your Cabling Job

When you are faced with a new structured cabling project at your company, you want to ensure you are partnering with a cabling contractor you can trust—and who knows what they’re doing. Many times, this can prove to be a difficult task simply because a commercial cabling vendor says they are the best at what they do, but has a hard time backing up that claim with quantifiable results.

In this new blog, the cabling professionals at Connectivity will explain what to look for in a cabling contractor and the factors that should go into selecting the right contractor for you.

The Factors You Should Consider

When screening cabling contractors, it is important for your company to consider the following:

  • Service cost: While cost is always a concern for a business, this isn’t the only determining factor. You may not want to simply make a decision based on price—and balance the cost of the service with the quality that the contractor can deliver. Remember, you get what you pay for.

  • Material quality: You will want to inquire about the type of material a vendor uses, and you will only want to consider those that implement high-quality materials along with extended manufacturer warranties for installation. Ask a contractor to provide product specs for everything they use and get details on warranties. Taking this approach will save time and money in the long term.

  • Staff professionalism: When interviewing contractors, make sure they have one or more Registered Communications Distribution Designers on staff. RCDDs are individuals who have, according to BICSI, “demonstrated knowledge in the design, integration, and implementation of telecommunications and data communications technology systems and related infrastructures.” It is completely appropriate, in this regard, to ask for the resumes of people who will be working on your project.

  • Experience and expertise:  Even if a contractor is using the best materials available, if they are novices or inexperienced, the right results might not be delivered.  Ask about certifications by the manufacturer who supplies the products they install.

  • An interest in your needs: Structured cabling is not a one-size-fits-all type of thing—and a contractor should be able to evaluate your industry, your needs, and your goals as it relates to the structured cabling system. Any contractor you are considering should ask detailed questions and truly care about creating a system that aligns with your objectives.

  • Customer satisfaction: Finally, it is totally appropriate to ask for feedback from the contractor’s previous customers. Check out online reviews, read testimonials on the contractor’s website or social media pages, and then ask to speak to their previous or existing clients directly. Any contractor worth their salt should welcome this—and if they don’t that’s a major read flag to head elsewhere.

Connectivity Checks All the Boxes

Our team is proud of our ability to deliver best-in-class service through our skilled and talented team of cabling installers. We seek to align with your budget while also using only the premier products that come with the most robust manufacturer warranties.

We would welcome the opportunity to consult with you on your next project. Please visit us online or contact us today to set up a one-on-one meeting.