Does Your Private Office Require Better Sound Masking?

Now that we are finally returning to offices and again co-mingling with colleagues and co-workers, lack of privacy in an office setting might be incredibly apparent, especially after having worked at home for the last couple of years.

For most businesses, lack of confidentiality can be a major problem—but few things are worse than the illusion of confidentiality that many private offices and conference rooms provide. After all, a shut door should mean a private conversation is being had. Far too often, though, this isn’t the case because of factors such as excessively low background noise level, loud conversations that permeate thin walls, and poor noise isolation.

In this blog, the team at Connectivity outlines the benefits associated with sound masking—and how it can make your company more productive, protected, and private.

The Benefits of Sound Masking

There are some very specific benefits you will experience when you make an investment in sound masking in your office. These benefits include:

  • You protect your customers. It is likely if a customer has decided to do business with you it is because they trust you. However, data breaches can happen when information, such as credit card numbers, are shared verbally and sound travels. Sound masking reduces risk associated with loud customer conversations as it minimizes the intelligibility of speech and protects against customer phone conversations being overheard.

  • You protect yourself. A co-worker enters your office, and you close the door to have an important conversation. However, that closed door doesn’t prevent sound from traveling. When you are having a confidential conversation, the last thing you want is for a person on the other side of the wall to be able to eavesdrop. Sound masking protects against this.

  • You minimize distractions. Being productive at work requires focus and concentration. While it is always fine to take a break, the last thing anyone wants to do is extend their workday because they are distracted by gossip or sidebar conversations and cannot get any work completed. In fact, studies show that it can take as much as 23 minutes for a person’s mind to return to the task at hand after a distraction presents itself. Sound masking allows for employees to realize better concentration, which helps them finish tasks quicker, remain productive, and boost your bottom line.

  • You improve workplace comfort. Have you ever been in a dead quiet room?  It feels awkward right? Sound masking raises the ambient noise level of a space with a gentle, airflow-like sound, which transforms your workplace from being a mausoleum and makes it more comfortable.

Schedule a Sound Masking Consultation Today

It is apparent that leaders and workers alike have a lot to get used to again now that workplaces are open and remote work won’t be as prevalent.

If you have realized that your office space has some serious problems with either too much sound or not enough, then learn about how implementing sound masking can help your business.  Reach out to the Connectivity team today and schedule a consultation. We would love to develop a strategy to help you.